Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Long Beach, Long Island

With the summer's end approaching I suggest you get out on the beach before it's too late. We all can agree that this summer sun has been unbearable at some points, so having a relaxing getaway to a family beach will definitely set the mood off right. There isn't boardwalk festivities, but there is a boardwalk for light jogging, running, etc. There are restaurants as well as a local grocery store which tends to get a little crowded from time to time. I've come up with the perfect agenda for the PERFECT day at the beach:

Depart: Penn Station, NY (On Off Peak hours during the week, it takes about an hour making all local stops. If you take the weekend express train which leaves at 10:42 am, it takes about 45 minutes).

Price: $19*. *Price includes train ticket and entry to beach. If you are interested in JUST the train ticket and to walk on the boardwalk, the train ticket is $10.75.

Arrive: Once you arrive at Long Beach, it is only a short walk to the shore. Along the way you pass an array of shops, restaurants and beach houses as you descend towards the shore. If you already purchased your ticket through the LIRR, simply stand in line at the booth to exchange your ticket for a beach card. Once retrieved, you are free to make your way into momentary solstice.

** You are able to rent chairs, bring your own food, etc. The water is calm, and surprisingly very clean for a NYC beach. Once the beach card has been stamped you may enter and exit the beach as much as you like for the entire day. Granted, the lifeguards go off duty so we urge you to be careful of your surroundings.**

Depart: There's not much of a night life in Long Beach, so once the sun goes down, the crowd goes with it, but there are numerous trains going back to Penn Station.

Total Cost: $19
Total Time in Travel: Approximately 102 mins

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