Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Welcome to Trips and Tricks to La La Land

Everyone wants a quick getaway from the hustle and bustle of the Big City. With airplane ticket prices soaring sky-high I've created this blog based on my personal experience and the experiences of others. With NYC being the tri-state area we are a short bus, or train ride away from major attractions. I will utilize this blog to make a play-by-play agenda on great weekend getaways! I will showcase great deals that I come across as well as heavy hitters that can put a dent in your wallet. Whether you live in NYC or just taking a vacation, I have ALL the remedies for friends, family and that special someone. I urge you to visit the site periodically, we wouldn't want you to miss out on special offers.

Don't forget to drop by my sister site: listentolala.blogspot.com

Double Kisses and Happpyyyyy Travels!

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